Welcome to the support page of our website.

Cancer Research & Genetics UK fundraises to further our campaign to raise awareness of Cancer and its genetic links in the UK and Europe.

How can you help?

There are a number of ways you can do this:

  • Maybe organise or participate in an event such as a walk, run, entertainment evening or coffee morning
  • We welcome support from companies / businesses and as we are a registered charity any contributions made can maybe be offset against tax
  • We can advise you how to use our advertising and maybe attend an event with other high profile campaigners / patients to talk on cancer related subjects
  • As we are totally volunteer driven and have little or no overheads / expenses to payout all monies raised directly fund cancer research and awareness
  • By working together with the Government, charities, N.H.S, companies and other organisations we can aim to to raise awareness and research to eradicate this terrible disease

God Bless
Nick Phillips

Cheques to be made payable to: Cancer Research and Genetics UK and sent or delivered to my address which can be found on the contact page.

Just Text Giving by Vodafone

To donate via text amounts of up to £10.00 send a text to the following number 70070 quoting code CRGK01. e.g. – CRGK £10.